
Photo Friday: Gluten-Free Globetrotting in Portland

Friends, I apologize for my lack of posts this summer. I have been Gluten-Free Globetrotting near and far. My most recent travels brought me to Portland, Oregon… a place where it is beyond easy to eat gluten-free. I have lots of restaurant reviews and fun tips about traveling in Portland, stay tuned. In the meantime,… Continue reading Photo Friday: Gluten-Free Globetrotting in Portland

Portland, USA

Gluten-Free Globetrotter is heading to Portland, OR

Yep, it’s true. I am adding a new city and state to my travelogue soon! There has been a lot going on in my “real” job lately. Although my passion and my babies are my two blogs and my NYC Celiac Meetup group, I have to pay my bills! When I tell people that I… Continue reading Gluten-Free Globetrotter is heading to Portland, OR