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Celiac Disease and Coronavirus: What You Need to Know

NOTE: This post will be updated as I learn more information or other countries release updated statements. I suggest you click on the links below for the most up-to-date information.

This is not the post I was planning on for this week. I was planning on my yummy guide to Gluten-Free in San Diego. But then again, this is NOT a time any of us could plan for in anyway. This coronavirus/COVID-19 is totally uncharted terrority.

The thing we all need to do in this time is to stay educated, listen to local officials and top experts, and keep ourselves and loved ones safe. One thing not to do is panic or believe everything you read on the internet. Besides washing your hands and social distancing, arming yourself with truth is one of your best tools.

If you have celiac disease and are living a healthy, gluten-free life, you are NOT anymore at risk for coronavirus. I cannot repeat this enough times. I am linking to top experts in the celiac disease field from across the globe I encourage you to read these links, watch the videos, and do not panic.

Celiac Disease Coronavirus


Beyond Celiac (USA)
“People with celiac disease who are otherwise healthy are not immunocompromised and not at higher risk for coronavirus.”

Canadian Celiac Association (Canada)
“Patients with only celiac are not immunocompromised, unless they taking medications for other medical conditions which are immunosuppressive. Like everyone, they should exercise careful infection control practices, including washing hands with soap and water frequently, and avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth.”

Coeliac disease and coronavirus – Update via Coeliac UK (UK)
Updated 3/18/2020
“New government advice about at risk groups now includes criteria which includes people with coeliac disease. We should all be taking social distancing measures, but at risk groups should be especially stringent in following these. Social distancing aims to reduce social interaction between people. This is different to the advice for self-isolation for people with coronavirus symptoms such as a persistent cough or temperature.”

National Celiac Association (USA)
“At this time there is no evidence to suggest that someone with celiac disease would be more vulnerable to the coronavirus than the general population. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease and, in and of itself, is not considered an immunocompromising condition.”

Associazione Italiana Celiachia/Italian Celiac Association  (Italy)
“Le evidenze scientifiche disponibili non riportano nessun maggior rischio di contrarre infezione da nuovo Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 per le persone con celiachia.”
Translation: The available scientific evidence does not report any greater risk of acquiring a new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection for people with celiac disease.

La Sociedad Española de Enfermedad Celiaca (SEEC)/The Spanish Celiac Disease Society
No se ha comunicado hasta el momento que el padecer enfermedad celiaca incremente el riesgo de contagio ni la gravedad de la enfermedad.
Translation: It has not been reported so far that having celiac disease increases the risk of contagion or the severity of the disease.

Deutsche Zöliakie Gesellschaft/German Celiac Society (Germany)
Zur Risikobewertung von Zöliakiebetroffenen und Corona-Virusinfektionen gibt es bisher noch keine Daten.
Translation: There is as yet no data on the risk assessment of people with celiac disease and corona virus infections. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Coeliac Disease via Coeliac Australia (Australia)
“The advice from our Medical Advisory Committee is that presently, there is no evidence that coeliac disease imparts a higher risk of serious illness to COVID-19, but there will be people with coeliac disease who do fall within categories of higher risk for serious infection (e.g. aged over 60).”

Coronavirus et maladie cœliaque via Association Française Des Intolérants Au Gluten (France)
Il n’existe aucun risque augmenté pour les malades cœliaques.
“Translation: There is no increased risk for celiac patients.”

Center for Celiac Research and Treatment Mass General Hospital: Dr. Alessio Fasano (USA)
“People with celiac disease are not immunocompromised patients. If [celiac is] well treated, the susceptibility is like the general population.”


If you have specific questions regarding your celiac disease and your health, it is best to contact your physician directly. In these uncertain times, it is important to keep yourself healthy and educated.

Keep updated with the World Health Organization

Where in the world are you today? How are you dealing with the coronavirus pandemic? Leave a comment below.

4 thoughts on “Celiac Disease and Coronavirus: What You Need to Know”

  1. Thanks for clarifying this information at a very stressful time! Much appreciated, Erin. Wishing you & your family stay safe & well. Suzanne

  2. Erin , I can’t thank you enough for posting this article. Again and again you are there for us The Celiac Community 💜💜💜💜
    Missed seeing you btw at the Celiac International Symposium At Columbia Celiac Center 2 weeks ago.

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