New York, USA

Gluten-Free (Friendly) Map of New York City

Last update: 5/27/2014

This is the most comprehensive map of gluten-free friendly restaurants, bars, and grocery stores in New York City. If you are traveling to Manhattan, please be sure to bookmark this map. I update it regularly but when planning your trip to New York please be sure to call ahead for hours and reservations. Restaurants in New York City turn over quickly at times, so it is always best to call before you head out.

In the United States, there is a program called the Gluten-Free Restaurant Program (GFRAP) that certifies restaurants as safe for gluten-free diners.* Many of the restaurants on this map are part of the GFRAP program.

If you have been to a restaurant in New York City that serves gluten-free food and it is not on this map, please send me an email!


To see the complete list of gluten-free friendly options, please click here.


* Sadly, as of 2014, the GFRAP program no longer exists!



10 thoughts on “Gluten-Free (Friendly) Map of New York City”

    1. That is really too bad. Do you talk to the staff after you have gotten sick? I think it is really important to let the management know that you had a problem. In the long run, it will help educate them about gluten sensitivities.

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